Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 17 October

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


Root cause for Inner wounds and healing…


Symptoms of Unforgiveness:
 (Continuation from yesterday)

Isaiah 5:13 “My people go into exile (captivity) for their lack of knowledge .

In Ephesians 4:17-18 the Apostle Paul tells the church at Ephesus to “walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them…”.

VI.    Unforgiveness will lead to ungodliness, unspirituality and wrong discernment.
1. You have become ineffective in prayer. You have no effectual fervent prayer because you have no mercy on the other person.
2. You start blaming God: “Why did God allow this to happen?” You also blame others for the events in your life.
3. You generally do not want spiritual guidance or to receive what the Word of God has to say about the situation.
4. Check yourself! You may have mood swings; You may be holding a grudge; You may have an attitude towards the person.
5. You may have body language and facial expressions that are ungodly (pouting, mouthy, pushy, aggressive and showing an attitude).
6. You may have malice towards the person. You may want them to be hurt because you are hurt.
7. You may have “no feelings” at all toward them. This would be contrary to call for us to love one another, honor and prefer one another above ourselves.
8. Your “acts of love” may be phony, a play act, and in some cases, hatred disguised.
9. You may find yourself struggling with the situation rather than committing it to God so that you can take your rest.
10. You may defraud the mate of due benevolence.
11. You may be easily deceived because when you reject the Word of God deception is sure to follow. (James 1:22)
12. You’re desperate to make them understand how you feel.

VII.  Are you having feelings of Discouragement, Disappointment, Dejection, and/or Despair, etc.?:

  1. You may be filled with disappointment, discouragement and shame because of putting trust in mortal man instead of God.
  2. You may find your love is growing cold. (You have less and less love for them).
  3. You find that you have no Fruit of the Spirit: no Love; no Joy; no Peace; no Longsuffering; no Gentleness; no Goodness; no Faith; no Meekness; and no Temperance.
  4. You find that you have no Home and want to give up, quit or leave spouse, family, church, friends, job etc
  5. You may loose satisfaction
  6. You may loose interest to do your routine job
  7. You may have uncontrollable anger and you may express to children
  8. You may feel lack of concentration
  9. You may backslide from your divine call
  10. You may absent in many places 
  11. You may hide yourselves
  12. You may respond to those who have hurt you.

VIII. Unforgiveness is a demonic gateway, so don’t let unforgiveness destroy you .

  1. Allows Satan legal access to us
  2. Hinders God’s protecting grace
  3. Enemy came to steal the power of forgiveness
  4. Unforgiveness will lead you to give unforgiveness to those who have hurt you
  5. Demon will use it as a good platform for them to reside
  6. Enemy wants to destroy
  7. Establish demonic convenants
  8. It is a prison and jailer is demon
  9. lead you to a selfish person
  10. It is a bondage
  11. It is a hindrance to receive divine healing and deliverance
  12. It is a sickness

IX. Unforgiveness always keeps score.

In Luke 15:29 (NIV), the elder brother of the prodigal son said, “Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders…Yet you never gave me even a young goat…But when this son of yours…comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!” Unforgiveness is always looking at the score. Even Peter wanted to know how many times he had to forgive someone! But 1 Corinthians 13:5 (AMPC) says, Love…takes no account of the evil done to it…

X. Unforgiveness has a martyr syndrome.

“I do all the work.” Workaholics are particularly susceptible to this one. Sometimes people who work all the time and don’t know how to enjoy their life get jealous when other people are enjoying life. Is there someone who aggravates you when you see them having a good time? If yes, you could have unforgiveness toward them.

XI. Unforgiveness always alienates, divides and separates

When the kids are acting up, we say, “my husband’s kids” or maybe something like, “What are you going to do about your son?” Those are divisive statements. Maybe you have a coworker who you stay away from as much as possible or a sibling you don’t talk to much…why do you separate yourself from them? Maybe you need to forgive that person

XII. Unforgiveness is always envious and jealous when angry at someone who gets blessed.

If someone who has hurt you gets a blessing, it grates on you…at least it did for me until I learned how to forgive. Forgiveness is a decision—not a feeling.
When you pray for people who have hurt you, it’s a choice. But there’s healing in that for you. “Bless and do not curse them” means to speak well and not evil of them when that person is not around. And be good to them in various ways as wisdom allows.

Prayer: Abba Father, I love You and I praise You. Thank You for introducing the gift of forgiveness through Your son Jesus. He demonstrated it and he is my Refuge and Fortress. I submit all who hurt me before You . I feel hurt by them. Right now I confess all negative feelings I have about them. I forgive the wrongs they have done towards me and my family. For any deliberate or unintentional things they have done that have caused me pain in the best way that I know how, I fully forgive them. I release them to You. Now that I have forgiven them. I choose not to hold any grudges towards them. Thank you that as I am in your presence now. You are freeing my inner world to live again. Free from resentment, pain, rejection and bitterness. My God and Lord fill me with joy, freedom and love. I pray by the name of Jesus. Amen