Hebrews 4:12 “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

  Click to download the latest Kadosh Marian Voice quarterly magazine

“Kadosh” In Jewish thinking, “The Holy One, blessed be He” (hakkadosh, barukh hu) is one of the most commonly used designation for God.   “Marian” is a given name, the Hebrew meaning of Marian is “the precious one” or “unique from the word” or “Mariam” – the mother of God Jesus.

Kadosh Marian Ministries is a non-profit organization with its roots across the world. It is  also established since 1994 as an approved charitable trust in UK, subsequently in India and USA. 

We strictly adhere to the following objectives: –

  • Currently working with and within the Catholic Church, adhering to the norms, traditions, ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
  • Conducting certificate oriented theological courses duly awarded by  Catholic Dioceses, and various international accredited universities..
  • Conducting Charismatic Renewal services to revive the trooping spirit of the flagging faithful.
  • Administering Sacraments by ordained Catholic Priests and Bishops.
  • Promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • Conducting guidance, counselling and healing through deliverance services to the needy, lonely and the afflicted ones.
  • Releasing periodical publications consisting of articles from various scholars worldwide – themes – biblical, literary and of educative value, more to expect soon!
  • Join with us, slake the thirst, and enjoy the abundance of Spirit of the Sovereign Lord – Immanuel.
  • Participating to feed 200 poor people daily.
  • Participating to provide pension to 75 widows monthly.
  • Participating to provide scholarship for 350 children annually.
  • Visiting refugee camps and providing food, clothes and medicines.
  • Contributing to build five homes for poor families in a year minimum.

We welcome you to join us, slake the thirst, and enjoy the abundance of Spirit of the Sovereign Lord – Immanuel.  All the above charitable activities are routed in consultation with Catholic Priests and Bishops.