Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 17 June

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


A thought : Immanuel experience.

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go …” (Gen 28:15).

This promise of God’s presence is repeated often throughout the Bible. For instance, Moses is about to die and Israel is apprehensive about entering the Promised Land with its walled cities and giant warriors. Moses reassured the people with these words: Deut 31:6 BE STRONG and COURAGEOUS. Do NOT BE AFRAID or TERRIFIED because of them, for the LORD YOUR GOD GOES WITH YOU; he will NEVER LEAVE You nor FORSAKE you.” (Same promise can find in Josh 1:5 which explained previously)

Think of the words of Psalm 121. It is called “A song of ascents.” This means it was sung by the Jewish pilgrims making their way up to Mount Zion and Jerusalem and the Temple. Listen to what this psalm says about God: Ps 121:3-5 HE WILL NOT LET YOUR FOOT SLIP– HE WHO WATCHES OVER YOU will NOT SLUMBER; (4) indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. (5) The LORD watches over you–the LORD is your shade at your right hand; According to Psalm 121, GOD NEVER SLUMBERS or SLEEPS.
Men and women sleep but God never sleep, never exhausted, never weary, and He is never inattentive. He never closes His eyes on the needs of His people, or on the needs of the world. So His people can rest secure in His presence.

Isaiah has similar words of hope and comfort for a people about to enter the exile of Babylon: (Isa 43:1-2,5) But now, this is what the LORD says– he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “FEAR NOT, for I HAVE REDEEMED you; I HAVE SUMMONED you by name; you are mine. (2) When you PASS through the WATERS, I will be with you; and when you PASS through the RIVERS, they will not SWEEP OVER you. When you walk through the FIRE, you will NOT be BURNED; the FLAMES will NOT SET you ABLAZE … (5) DO NOT be AFRAID, for I AM WITH YOU …
Israel is about to face waters and rivers and fire. But fear not. Why? Because “I AM WITH YOU.”

Do you see the meaning of the Lord’s presence? The Lord’s presence gives His people the strength to keep on going. The Lord’s presence gives His people the comfort they need in troubled times. The Lord’s presence gives His people the courage to face obstacles and giants and walled cities.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for Your great promises that You will be with us at all the time. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. Have mercy upon us and anoint us to do everything by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Your presence gives us courage to overcome all obstacles. Help us focus You and walk in the Way of Jesus so that we will not be influenced by people and we will depend on You at all the time. We pray by the name of Jesus. Amen.