Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 16 October

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


Root cause for Inner wounds and healing…


Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Mathew 6:14-15 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Ephesians 4:26-27 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Symptoms of Unforgiveness:
 (Continuation from yesterday)

III. Did someone offend you and are you are still in unforgiveness and bitterness?

1. When you think of that person, does your heart leap up with love and joy for him?
2. Do you complain more often to you or others about the person?
3. Do you feel insecure or do you desire to have fellowship with them or do you try to avoid them?
4. Do you have no blame or condemnation of them or for them?
5. Do you say or feel in your heart: “I forgive them, but I don’t have to like them”?
6. Do you still make up speeches of what you are going to say to them, or what you should have said to them?
7. Do you still think that they should hurt or should pay for what they have done to you?
8. Do you still think of ways to get even with them?
9. Do you sometimes think hard thoughts and have to repent, only to think those hard thoughts again and have to repent, over and over?
10. Do you have strong emotional reactions when you think of or see the person who hurt you?
11. Can you sincerely pray for this person and bless them, sincerely desiring to see them blessed?
12. Can you, and do you honestly rejoice when good things happen for the person who wounded you?

IV. Are you constantly involved in strife and/or bringing about Division?
1. You are anxious to talk about the person behind their back
2. You tell the same story over and over again, trying to make them look guilty and to make yourself look good.
3. You are quick to start a fight or register a complaint, and you probably don’t recognize it, because you justify yourself in doing so.
4. You hold the person hostage emotionally with constant negative talk and hard actions.
5. You are short-tempered with them when they try to talk or converse with you.
6. You don’t have time for them when they try to engage with you.
7. You may set a trap to cause them to fall.
8. You don’t want them to touch you. You resist their advances towards you, towards reconciliation and towards peace.
9. You find it easy to enter into a scheme to hurt them, or defraud them.
10. You have no peace for yourself and you break the peace in an atmosphere.
11. You try to make them feel guilty in order to make yourself feel good.
12. If the person is a spouse, family member, church brother, etc., you do not want to share with them as a covenant partner. You desire to write them off – eliminate them.
V.     Do you have a Lack of Compassion for the person who offended you?
1. You feel lime and act like the person is the enemy instead of the demonic spirit(s) that has them in captivity.
2. You have a spirit of hard-heartedness.
3. You find it easy to not care about what happens to them.
4. You want to see them hurt so that you can have your revenge and get even with them.
5. You do not receive the Biblical instruction that we are one in Christ, so you do not properly discern the body of Christ.
6. You find it easy to be rude verbally and physically.
7. Have you had lots of arguments with the person?
8. Do you or the other person feel ‘sensitive’?
9. Do you refuse to listen to other’s points of view?
10. Do others blame you or do you blame others?
11. Are you unable to cope with emotionally-charged situations?
12. Do you feel difficulty to communicate with the other person?
Prayer: Abba Father, bless me with the wonderful power of forgiveness. Give me the grace to unconditionally forgive those who have done me wrong. Give me the strength to let go of all ill-will, to forgive myself of my own failings and sins, knowing that you have already forgiven me.
Grant me Your favor wherever I go, so that if I have done wrong to my brother in the Lord, I may receive his forgiveness in return and freedom from emotional entrapment. My God and Lord, free me from all emotional entrapments: anger, bitterness, hate and unforgiveness. I love you, Lord.  You are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins and purify me from all unrighteousness and unforgiveness. Now I declare that I forgive all those who have given me hurt and pain. Therefore, through the power of forgiveness, I release the past and I am healed. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen!