Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 25 October

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


Reasons for Stress and Solution


Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of one’s close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Pride means an arrogant person who find every opportunity to exhibit his mental superiority. He worship his intellect, ability, efficiency and achievements.

Pride is been defined as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction in an achievement, an accomplishment, or in someone else or something else but it’s also been described as conceit, egotism, vanity, vainglory, all over one’s own appearance or status in life and not just something that’s been accomplished.

Pride is one of the reason for stress. Pride affects all of us. It is a sin that is not always evident, but it is there. It blocks us from growing in our faith and becoming all God wants us to be. Pride is a ruthless enemy and the enemy is in us.

Pride is the root cause of all ‘sin’

Pride is at the root of all sin. God hates pride because we really have a misplaced sense of worth. God says that “In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God” (Psalm 10:4) and that “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech” (Prov 8:13). Pride is the opposite of humility and this is what we read in Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” which is why “patience is better than pride” (Eccl 7:8). God thunders out of heaven saying to all who are prideful “The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled and human pride brought low; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day” (Isaiah 2:11). We will either humble ourselves or God will do it for us and one is much more painful than the other which is why Isaiah writes “I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless” (13:11). Even nations that are overly prideful God says that “the most wicked of nations…I will put an end to the pride of the mighty, and their sanctuaries will be desecrated” (Ezk 7:24).

The Bible talks about two kinds of pride. There’s good pride and there’s bad pride. There’s godly pride, which is a good thing. And there is ungodly pride.

Good Pride

The good kind of pride is self-respect, dignity – the Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you don’t love yourself how can you love your neighbor as yourself? Good pride is satisfaction in a job well done. I am proud of everyone who serves in the church. I am proud of those who pray, serve in Children and Youth ministries, help with administration, women’s studies, deacons – I have joy in seeing you succeed.’

The Apostle Paul repeatedly says, “I’m proud how you’re growing. When I look at Calvary, when I look at what God is doing in your life, I’m proud of what God is doing in your life. You are making a difference in this community and around the world. That is a good kind of pride.

Bad Pride

There’s selfish and stubborn pride that won’t admit it when we’re wrong. That holds on to a grudge. That gossips. That says I have a hurt and God is not big enough to solve it. That causes all kinds of conflict. The kind of pride that judges other people and puts them down. It’s conceit. It’s egotism. It’s arrogance. God says that is damaging and destructive.

Proverbs 13:10 “Pride only breeds quarrels. Only by pride comes contention.”

How to overcome Pride?

Galatians 6:4 ”Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,”

James 4:6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

Romans 12:16 “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.”

I.   Identify pride by symptoms. 

  1. Finding others faults
  2. Avoid reconciliation
  3. A Harsh Spirit
  4. Talking about yourself a lot
  5. Always trying for center of attraction
  6. Unwilling to submit to authority or elders
  7. Superficiality
  8. Defensive or attacking mode
  9. Presumption before God
  10. Desperation for attention
  11. Neglecting others
  12. Fear
  13. Ingratitude
  14. People-pleasing
  15. Prayerlessness
  16. Hypocrisy
  17. Rebellion
  18. Blaming others for everything
  19. Assuming you already knows something when someone is teaching/presenting
  20. Seeing yourself as too good to perform certain tasks
  21. Being too proud to ask for help
  22. Feeling the need to consistently teach people things
  23. Thinking you are better than others
  24. Ignore or disregard the advice of others
  25. Consistently trying for others appreciation
  26. Unable to receive constructive criticism
  27. Overly or excessively obsessed with their physical appearance
  28. Ignoring people’s attempt to communicate with you
  29. Justifying sin instead of admitting it
  30. Name-dropping
  31. Never seek help
  32. Can’t recognize own mistakes
  33. Ministering with a harsh and rebellious spirit.
  34. Easily offended
  35. Neglect others especially poor people
  36. A sharp and critical tongue?
  37. Look down on those who are less educated, less affluent, less refined, or less successful than yourself?
  38. Think of yourself as more spiritual than your mate, others in your in your church?
  39. A judgmental spirit toward those who don’t make the same lifestyle choices you do . . . dress standards, how you school your kids, entertainment standards, etc.?
  40. Insulting or correcting others in front of public
  41. Finding fault with others and to verbalize those thoughts to others?
  42. Frequently correct or criticize your mate, your pastor, or other people in positions of leadership (teachers, youth director, etc.)?
  43. Give undue time, attention, and effort to your physical appearance—hair, make-up, clothing, weight, body shape, avoiding appearance of aging?
  44. Proud of the schedule you keep, how disciplined you are, how much you are able to accomplish?
  45. Driven to receive approval, praise, or acceptance from others?
  46. Generally think your way is the right way, the only way, or the best way?
  47. A touchy, sensitive spirit? Easily offended? Get own feelings hurt easily?
  48. Guilty of pretense? Trying to leave a better impression of self than is really true?
  49. Have a hard time confessing your sin to God or others?
  50. Have a hard time sharing your real spiritual needs/struggles with others?
  51. Hard time to praise or pray aloud with others?
  52. Excessively shy or Excessively over aggressive
  53. Have a hard time reaching out and being friendly to people you don’t know at church?
  54. Expecting others to serve you, your family, your parents, ?
  55. Always in a defensive mode when anyone try to criticize or correct you ?
  56. A perfectionist? Do you get irked or impatient with people who aren’t?
  57. Tend to be controlling—of your mate, your children, friends, those in your workplace?
  58. Frequently interrupt people when they are speaking?
  59. Spouse feel intimidated by your “spirituality”?
  60. Husband feel like he can never measure up to your expectations of what it means to be a good husband, spiritual leader, etc.?
  61. Often complain—about the weather, your health, your circumstances, your job, your church?
  62. More concerned about your problems, needs, burdens than about others’ concerns?
  63. More worry about what others think of you? Too concerned about your reputation or your family’s reputation?
  64. Neglect to express gratitude for “little things”? To God? To others?
  65. Neglect prayer and intake of the Word?
  66. Get hurt if your accomplishments/or acts of service are not recognized or rewarded?
  67. Get hurt if your feelings or opinions are not considered when your mate or your boss is making a decision or if you are not informed when a change or decision is made?
  68. React to rules or policies? Do you have a hard time being told what to do?
  69. More self-conscious because of your lack of education or natural beauty, or your socio-economic status?
  70. Avoid participating in certain events, for fear of being embarrassed or looking foolish?
  71. Avoid being around certain people because you feel inferior compared to them/don’t feel you measure up?
  72. Uncomfortable inviting people to your home because you don’t think it’s nice enough or you can’t afford to do lavish entertaining?
  73. Very hard to say “I was wrong; would you please forgive me?”
  74. Lack of listening skill

(To be Continued…)

Prayer : Abba Father, Deliver me from the captivity and curse of pride, a collective stronghold that will hold me back from spiritual growth and health. Help me to forgive as I am commanded by You and to be cleansed from all unrighteousness of the dark kingdom. I want to give myself over to Your Word and the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for pointing out that pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. I want neither of these, only Your truth. My God and Lord, I give You all exaltation and all honor because You are the Ruler of the universe forever. Help me to clearly discern how pride destroys even though the world sees such things as innocent and normal. I humble myself before you, knowing the devotion to Your truth will exalt me. I know that You resist the proud just as you resist the devil. Help me to resist both and to walk in your strength. I pray by the name of Jesus. Amen