Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 14 October

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


God is a living God – He hears, sees, knows, feels, wills, acts, and has a personality.

Inner wounds and healing – rejection
(Continuation from yesterday…)

Some common symptoms of the work of Spirit of rejection.

. Addictive Behavior
. Compulsive behavior
. Seeks Acceptance
. Feeling Unworthiness
. Shallow Relationships
. Feeling loneliness
. Work hard but getting difficult to be satisfied
. Work hard to please others but directly/indirectly getting to be burned out and exhausted.
. Rejection would lead to unbelief, or it is a form of unbelief.
. Spirit of rejection may lead you to a position of multiple personality.
. Spirit of rejection will steal your confidence.
. Spirit of rejection will NOT show you a bright future.
. Spirit of Rejection will also make you to seek love with wrong person
. Spirit of rejection is a gateway for others to misuse you
. Spirit of rejection will steal your sleep.
. Spirit of rejection
. Finding yourself comparing your circumstances or situations with others, and you never seem to measure up.
. Feel like you missed out on life’s opportunities and now it’s too late.
. You constantly seek the approval of others and suffer from people pleasing.
. You are easily offended or embarrassed from discipline or correction.
. You are always trying to prove yourself in public.
. You feel like you are on the outside looking in during interactions with people.
. You think you could do a better job than the current leader or teacher if you are given the opportunity.
. You believe no one understands you, or what you are going through.

How to fight and win victory over the spirit of rejection?

1. Father in heaven accepts you totally, and that you are loved unconditionally!  So declare your Christian identity (explained before).
2. Matthew‬ ‭7:12‬ “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
3. ‭‭James‬ ‭4:7‬ “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
4. ‭‭ God is love, he cannot stop loving you.
5. Only what God says about you is true, not what you think and feel, and what others have said about you!
6. Let the Holy Spirit work and speak to you and for you, listen Him and obey Him.
7. Pray Constantly
8. Labor to be filled With the Spirit.
9. Labor for Wisdom.
10. Make the Word of God your rule and authority and live in obedience to all It says.
11. Submit To God and Come Into Agreement With God
12. Realize the Victory Is yours.
13. Be Confident that God is on your side
14. Praise And Worship Your Way to Victory
15. Put On The Armor Of God.
16. Trust in God
17. Learn from the the past.
18. Actively seek alternative christian ways of acceptance
19. Ask God to help you view yourself as He sees you
20. Overcome fears of abandonment.
21. Eliminate unhealthy relationships and focus on healthy ones.
22. Aim for truth in all situations.
23. Improve the way you communicate.
24. Let go of the past so you can move forward well.
25. Pursue God’s dreams for you
26. Surround ourselves with information that matches our beliefs
27. Make decisions based on the anchoring effect
28. Believe our memories more than facts
29. Pay more attention to stereotypes than we think
30. Think big, act small
31. Build relationships on a firm foundation
32. Never be afraid of making decisions
33. Decide to become a leader today
34. See yourself as a salesperson one who sells the equipment of ‘acceptance’
35. Make every efforts improve your skills
36. Value your good friends
37. Learn to love criticism
38. Label your thoughts
39. Objectify your thoughts
40. Challenge Your Mind
41. Accept God’s goodness is enough to overcome rejection .
42. Understand God as your rock to overcome rejection.
43. Invite God as your guide to overcome worldliness.
44. Discover God as your guard to overcome self-protection.
45. Taste God as your advocate to overcome rejection.
46. Allow God as your comforter to overcome fears of being alone.
47. Train to control thoughts.
48. Decide to rejoice at all the time
49. Meditate Word of God
50. Remember Happiness is a choice

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for redeeming us by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord for the way that You have gifted each of us in a very special and precious Way. My Lord and my God, You have given me a special heart of love toward my brothers and sisters in Christ. My Lord I pray that You would light a spark of true forgiveness and mercy in my heart towards all those who have harmed or hurt us, whether deliberately or unintentionally, knowing that it is not only Your will for us to show godly mercy towards others but also that we become equal beneficiaries when our heart is flooded with mercy and forgiveness. Root out I pray any lingering bitterness or rejection or malice that is lurking within my heart and may the godly fruit of mercy and love bud and blossom into the true fruit of righteousness – to Your honour and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.