Kadosh Marian Media – Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience. 05 September

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


THE OMNISCIENCE OF GOD = God knows everything. He is perfect in knowledge. His understanding is infinite.

Daily Bible Study – Immanuel experience…


The personality of God

God is a living God – He hears, sees, knows, feels, wills, acts, and has a personality.

11.180 God’s Promises of healing to the afflicted one

Ways to receive God’s Healing power.

11.180.3 Imparting blessings, authority and healing by laying on of Hands.
(Continuation from yesterday)

Before look into the New Testament studies based on laying on of hands, it is better to study the precautions before laying hands upon a person.

11.180.4 Lay Hands Suddenly on No Man!

1 Timothy 5:22 “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.”

We have already studied different aspect of ‘laying hands’. In short, “laying on of hands” ceremony was the equivalent of stamping that individual with one’s complete seal of approval or blessings or healing for testifying the ministry of God.

The above Verses provides 3 instructions for every Christian leaders.

I. Do not lay hands immediately.
II. Do not share the sins of others.
III. Maintain a holy life.

I. Paul tells us, ”Lay hands suddenly on no man….” A better translation would be, “Don’t give your seal of approval to people too hastily….” You see, it’s very possible to lay hands on people too quickly — to give them the seal of our approval before we really know them and to impart authority to them before you/ they are ready.

Before you lay hands upon one another, it is better to respect the following.
1. Make sure that you are a chosen one and anointed or ordained one by Spiritual leaders.
2. Must have continuous relationship with Christ and must be holy.
3. Must be obedient to God, Church and well-versed in the Word of God.
4. Prepare well in fasting and prayer.
5. Take Spiritual protection before lay hands.
6. Do not be hurry and patiently do the service.
7. Do the service freely and in faith.
8. Understand the circumstances and act gently.
9. Must have compassion to others.
10. Recipients must be baptized and sustain faith in Christ.
11. Recipients must be ready to announce apostle’s creed.
12. Make sure that the recipient is ready and matured to receive the gift.

Proverbs 14:29 Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.

II. Paul warns Timothy ”not to share others sins.” If we ignore this warning, then it will end up in a foolish mistake that produces painful consequences. Transformation of spirit may execute when ‘laying hands on of a person’ so Paul warns us to do it carefully.

III. *Keep pure *- it is not possible to please God and impart Holy Spirit without holiness. ‘Holiness’ as a subject will explain later.

2 Timothy 1:6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

There is no doubt that God works through people. He worked through Moses to commission Joshua and the other elders. God worked through Paul to commission Timothy. No human has any control over God the Spirit. Any anointing comes directly from God. He uses human authority symbolically. Laying of hands can still be used when praying for healing, praying for people to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and for commissioning of ministers. But make sure that the person who lay hands upon one another must be done patiently, carefully and spiritually.

Prayer: Abba Father, Thank You for sending Your only Son Jesus. He redeemed me, empowered me and anointed me by His precious Blood. Renew my Spirit and let us walk in the Way of Jesus. You know me better than anyone in the world, so I trust in You to know exactly how shall I be molded. When I was weak, You made me strong, when I was demoted You promoted me, when I was in slavery You saved me, when I was rejected You raised me to become a part takers of the Cornerstone, when I was depressed You have delivered me, when I was sick you have healed me. I love You my Lord . I thank You Lord. Apart from You, I can do nothing. Lord, You know when I am ready for the next big elevation that You have designed for my life. Holy Spirit, empower me and help me to quit being frustrated with others and help me instead to take a look at the deeper blessings of my life that freely given by my Lord. My Lord, help me to use this time in my life to clean up my act and to get my heart ready for the next upward step that Jesus has waiting for me. Jesus, lay your wounded and righteous hands upon me and anoint me. I pray by the name of Jesus. Amen.