Kadosh Marian Institute of Theology

Kadosh Marian Institute of Theology

Kadosh Marian Institute of Theology prepares candidates / individuals to become authorized and licensed Preachers, Evangelists, Missionary workers, Christian education teachers and youth workers to assist Church and other lawful governing bodies in carrying out their mission, vision and Christo-centric orientation . The Kadosh Marian Institute of Theology is preparing God’s people for the End Time Harvest by presenting the accredited university Degree programmes.

Our important vision is to educate our people about the Church teachings, doctrines and dogmas with the particular emphasize to encyclicals of Popes’ down the ages.

Current threat of the Church is to manage the people both the educated as well as uneducated. The success of the Church is the fellowship of the educated / certified theologians. Our wish is to participate in the renewal of the whole Church. According to Warren A. Quanbeck “whether the vision of Vatican becomes a reality or a lost opportunity depends to a large extent on the way it is realized in the seminaries and among the leaders of the Church”.

Kadosh Marian Institute of Theology is a precious gift of God to the people of God. It is the hope and aspiration of the entire people of God who would form a new generation of educated people following the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who would guide the destinies of the current Church as well as posterity.

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